What should a perfect hair care look like?
If you have already tested lots of beauty products yet still feel that your hair needs something more – it is high time to go for a product that can really nourish and repair your strands, without irritating the scalp.
Perfect hair care matches hair porosity, to be more precise – one of the three hair porosity types that define the gaps in the cuticle layer. The cuticle scales are like a shield that protects every hair.
Suitable hair care delivers substances that are essential for healthy, strong and amazing hair.
Undoubtedly, natural oils can provide this kind of hair care. These are the only substances that have the ability to:
- penetrate hair, repair inside and improve the elasticity of bondings
- regenerate and reinforce hair fibres
- nourish and strengthen hair bulbs
- increase blood flow in the scalp so that hair can grow strong
- balance sebum secretion
- protect hair on its surface by creating a microscopic, occlusive layer that shields from heat and damage
- deliver shine, bounce and vitality to instantly improve hair looks
Ideal hair care must be free from parabens, silicones and other comedogenic substances that – simply put – would help hair get dehydrated and damaged instead of improving its health.
Is there a product that gives perfect hair care? It is now! Nanoil’s producers know what proper hair care looks like.
The knowledge, experience and precision allowed them to create Nanoil hair oil.
The cosmetic fits our times.
Fulfilled dreams of a perfect cosmetic.
You’ll fall in love with the product from the very first moment.
Everything about Nanoil is perfect: elegant bottle that leaves perfume vials behind, professional approach to hair care, the ingredients and application methods.
Nanoil hair oil has been released in three versions
Why? A product that works for all hair types is non-existent. There are 3 hair types (3 types of hair porosity) so Nanoil comes in 3 versions that have different ingredients. Each one delivers the best nourishment to the dedicated hair type.

You can have normal, dry, greasy, fine, thick damaged or healthy hair. Go to the official website of the manufacturer to find detailed descriptions – they will let you choose a suitable version that matches your hair condition. There are 3 hair types; hair porosity is the best criterion to identify your hair type. Nanoil consists of the balanced content of natural oils to fully repair and nourish your hair. None of the ingredients has been chosen at random. Each plays a key role in hair care.
First of all, each of the three Nanoils contains an array of natural oils that are suitable for each of the three hair types. The size of particles in each oil is crucial – it affected the choice of oils in every version. Oils included in 3 Nanoils match hair structure. Another important thing is that oils constitute an irreplaceable and exceptional source of vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, phytosterols and flavonoids. That is why, they provide hair with the most effective nourishment.
Second of all, the oils are enhanced by numerous substances that keep hair healthy and strong. The lack of these ingredients leads to: dull, thinner, falling-out strands, loss of shine and bounce. These extra substances are: keratin, silk, panthenol and UV filter. They offer lots of benefits – protect and instantly enhance hair looks.
Thirdly, Nanoil hair oils stimulate hair growth and make bulbs stronger thus prevent hair loss. Two unique ingredients take credit for that. Kerastim and baicapil complexes are priceless. They actively work on hair surface and inside the hair bulbs. As a result, even non-activated bulbs start working. Volume boost can be noticed.
Fourthly, you can feel free to use Nanoil hair oil the way you like. You have total freedom. Each application method will nourish your hair to larger or lesser extent. Nanoil hair oil can replace lots of cosmetics.
Here’s how you can use Nanoil:
- as an intensive hair repair treatment (apply to hair and scalp, leave-in – from one to several hours, wash off with a shampoo).
- as a mask before shampooing (apply to dry hair and scalp).
- as an additive to balms and conditioners (add a few drops of Nanoil to a different product).
- as a leave-in conditioner, right after washing (avoid the scalp).
- as a serum for hair ends – apply Nanoil to hair tips.
- as a shine-boosting lotion – apply Nanoil to dry strands, even several times a day.
- as an additive to any hair rinse or styling sprays.
I’ve recently read a lot about hair oiling and I’ve just been looking for a good hair oil for my low porous hair :)
for me, this one worked perfectly:))
it’s my ideal hair cosmetic ! :))
I have a wide collection of hair products: shampoos, masks, conditioners. A while ago, I started applying oils to my hair and no mask or conditiner has ever made my hair so beautifuul! I thoroughly recommend it !
my hair loves jojoba oil, never heard of nanooil before but I wanna try it out :D
hevn’t done hair oiling in a while! I guess I must go back to it:) I have been using loreal oil for a long time so maybe it’s time to check something new.
I rarely want to apply oil to all my hair and leave it for the night, so I usually use it instead of conditioner and rub it into my hair after washing. in my opinion it works so well, the hair is soft and moisturized.
it’s amazing if you want to rub it into your hair ends. Before I started using oils I have tried out tons of cosmetic for split ends and only this one turned to be most effective
my favourite hair oil ! =))) before, I had argan oil but I read that oil belnds work even better and so I came across nanoil. It’s been a year since I started using it and I am happy no with how my hair looks
Im too lazy for hair oiling, so for me, the best ones are light leave-in spray conditiners
you can add a few drops of oil to your conditioners:)
I loooove coconut oil, it’s perfect for my hair and the entire body and it has a gorgeous smell!
I tried nanoil at my friend’s. The scent was very nice but it weighed my hair down and looked greasy
It was probably not suitable for your hair type, it’s really important to choose the right oil. Another thing, the amount of product and methods of application also matter! you can choose the right oil and the method of its application only through trial and error. Then, properly matched oil will not weigh the hair nor make it greasy
that’s true, there’s no better thing for your hair than a hair oil. I haven’t had this one yet but to be honest, such an oil blend can be a very poweful cosmetics
never used oils on my hair, they’re probably impossible to rinse out
it’s not that hard as it might seem ;) provided that you don’t use falf the bottle of oil at once;) I use this oil for hair wash I just use a mild baby shampoo
this oil seems very interesting ! makes me wanna have it!